The Stay Alive HIV/AIDS Prevention Education Program SAVES LIVES. It is administered and implemented by Reach the Children, Inc., an international, 501 © 3 humanitarian organization.
Stay Alive is a culturally sensitive, skill-based, abstinence and family-inclusive curriculum that targets 9-14 year-old children in that window of opportunity before they become sexually active. It brings parents, caregivers, vulnerable youth, teachers and community and government officials together in the fight against AIDS.
Fear, stigma, and a lack of education and resources perpetuate HIV/AIDS in many parts of the world. Prevention Education involving all levels and ages of society is the key to striking at the roots of HIV/AIDS. This life-saving approach encourages hope by teaching children how to remain disease-free through consequential thinking.
The Stay Alive program arms them with the tools to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and helps them understand that happiness can be found in healthy, loving families. The Stay Alive program teaches these children how to live a long, loving, life.
Stay Alive Theme:
I am a person of great worth, and I deserve to live!
I will keep my body freefrom HIV/AIDS by:
Making choices that bring happiness,
Making responsible decisions,
Accepting responsibility for my decisions and actions,
Living with integrity, and
Building caring and emotionally healthy relationships.
I will live a long, loving life!
I will Stay Alive!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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